How To Talk To Your Kids About Online Safety
We know that our kids will be spending time online, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. As a parent, the main concern is for kids safety. Apps with protective settings such as Kids Lock are here in order to reassure you that the time your kids spend online will be problem-free.

However it is also useful to talk to your kids about online safety, so that they are aware of some of the risks of being on the internet. Being open about the dangers online, such as people pretending to be someone they are not or sites that are trying to steal information can be a useful way to remind your kids about the importance of online safety.

Letting your kids know that you have a child’s protection extension (such as Kids Lock) for their benefit is a great way to build trust and share an understanding about their online use. Talking to them about the advantages of the sites you think are appropriate and discussing why can also create a dialogue that you both can learn from. A conversation can be had about which kind of sites they would like to view online, and you can even come to joint decisions together.
When talking to your kids about online safety, don’t be afraid to be open and honest. This means you can develop trust, and they will be able to respect online choices and come to you for advice. With the combination of open dialogue and a child’s protection extension, your kid will be safe to surf the web as they please.